Sabrina Taj-Taj, L.Ac., LMT, Diol. O.M. would like you to believe she's not your typical acupuncturist or massage therapist. 

Truth is, it's her personality that really separates her from the rest. While she can be the typical calm, relaxing massage therapist for select clients, her regulars know the real her is blunt, sarcastic, and she has a heart of gold.

She's a California native, but grew up in France with Argentine and Chilean parents. Sabrina came back to the US for school, receiving her Bachelor's degree from USC, her Master's Degree in Acupuncture from Emperor's College, as well as her IPSB Massage School Certificate, and she is also certified as a Diplomate of Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM).

Since 2007, Sabrina started working as a massage therapist at the Beverly Hills Hotel, where she regularly worked with a high-end clientele, including celebrities like--just kidding, that's confidential.

Beginning in 2012, Sabrina began balancing not only her clients at the Beverly Hills Hotel and her patients in Orange County, but also being a single mother. She's taken that time at the hotel, as well as in her office, to develop her unique practice that combines massage, acupuncture, and fascia work.

In 2021, Sabrina made the move from Orange County, CA, to Saint Augustine, FL.

You know exactly what to expect when you walk into her studio, whether you're looking for a relaxing massage or a myofascial massage with acupuncture. She may seem a little rough around the edges, but she's a total softie, really.

Sabrina keeps it real with her clients with her sarcastic wit, but she makes sure to listen to her clients' needs to best keep them going in life.